蒂默特埃尔姆小屋酒店 (Elm Cottage Tumut)

榆树小屋-以独特的澳大利亚植物和野生动植物为背景,当然还有大雪山地区 -是整个家庭的终极假期体验。

Elm Cottage 非常环保,拥有超过 50 千瓦级及以上的太阳能电池板 40 千瓦的电池存储加上 3 免费为客人提供电动汽车充电站。

Voted by Travelmyth in the Top 15 per cent dog-friendly accommodation in the World.

Elm Cottage comprises five private, pet-friendly, fully self-contained cottages overlooking the Goobarragandra River in Tumut, making it a magical destination for a relaxing holiday. Halfway between Sydney & Melbourne, and just a four hours drive from Sydney plus 2.5 hours from Canberra, Elm Cottage takes you away from city life and helps you to slow down and enjoy nature at its own pace. 真正的澳大利亚乡村体验。


不管是新婚蜜月,还是庆祝特殊时刻,不管是亲朋聚会,还是假日钓鱼或滑雪休闲,或者只是放松休整,埃尔姆小屋酒店 (Elm Cottage) 均是不二之选。

更多信息请访问: http://www.elmcottage.com.au